Whether you have limited growing space, or just want to dress up those exterior walls, this DIY Wall Trellis is the perfect addition to your landscape!
1. Measure & Mark
Mark the flat bar at 4-inches, then in increments of 10-inches, ¼-inch from the edge.
2. Cut To Size
Use a miter saw to cut the angle bar in half (18-inches).
3. Drill Holes
Use a ⅛ ”-¼” cobalt drill bit to drill the marks made along the flat bar.
4. Lay Out Pieces & Clamp
Overlay the flat bars onto the angle bars creating a rectangle. Holes should face inward. Use a speed square to ensure angles aren’t skewed, and loosely clamp in place.
5. Solder Aluminum Corners
Heat the aluminum pieces until they are hot enough to melt the brazing rod. Drag the brazing rod across the joints. Do this for all four corners then let cool completely.
6. Thread Trellis Frame
Pull the picture frame wire through the holes to create a crisscross design.
7. Spray Paint
Paint and seal the trellis for outdoor use.
8. Secure the Trellis
Use 2”x2” wood as cleats to secure the trellis to the wall, and enjoy!