Copper Pipe & Wood Shoe Shelf


Need a weekend project? Try out this DIY replacement for old shoe storage.


  1. Start by laminating the 2×6 pieces into two thick panels. First, use a table saw to square the edges and then cut them into (4) 36″ long pieces. Next glue and clamp pieces together.
  2. While the panels dry, cut copper piping to the following lengths:
    • (8) 6″ Long Legs
    • (4) 2 1/2″ Medium Legs
    • (4) 1″ Short Legs
    • (8) 12″ Side Bars
  3. Next, begin to solder the copper pipes to the fittings as follows to create two side panels (run a dry fit first to make sure you like the design) To do this, first clean the outside of the copper pipes and the inside of the copper coupling to prep it for soldering.
  4. Next, apply flux from the Bernzomatic Solder and Flux Kit to the inside of the copper coupling and outside of the copper pipe. Then, attach the coupling to the end of the pipe and begin to heat using the Bernzomatic TS4000.
  5. After a few minutes, remove the direct flame and touch the connection between the pipe and the coupling with soldering wire. Once it begins to melt to the copper, let is melt but keep a wet rag around to fix any dripping.
  6. Once the rods are cooled, clean up the connections using a metal file.
  7. Next, use 320 grit sandpaper and scotch brite pad to buff and clean the copper piping.
  8. Once the frame is built, it was time to finish the shelf pieces. Remove them from the clamps and cut them down to their final size of 10 ½ x 28″.
  9. To waterproof the shelving, use the shou sugi ban method. Start by running the Bernzomatic TS4000 across the wood until torched, sand off the excess, and repeat this process until you are happy with the coloring.
  10. Next, attach the shelf to the copper piping using the copper tubing straps.
  11. Finish everything off with a coat of spray-on polyurethane and let it dry.

What You'll Need


DuraCast® 4000 Torch

Product Info


14.1 oz. Propane Hand Torch Cylinder

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Bronze Flux-Coated Brazing and Welding Rods

Product Info


  • Miter Saw
  • Table Saw (optional)
  • Copper Pipe Cutter
  • Wood Clamps
  • Metal File
  • Wire Brush
  • Sander/Sandpaper
  • Scotch Brite Pad
  • Wet Rag


  • (2) 2 x 6 x 8′ Boards
  • (2) ½” x 5′ Copper Pipes
  • (3) ½” x 2′ Copper Pipes
  • (12) ½” Copper Tee Fitting
  • (8) ½” Copper Tube Straps
  • (4) ½” Copper 90-Degree Cup Elbow
  • (4) ½” Copper Cap Fitting
  • Wood Glue
  • Wood Screws
  • Outdoor Sealer
  • Wood Stain (optional)